
Monday Morning Commute: #209 The Light That Comes Out of Dark w/Heath Armstrong

My guest this week is Heath Armstrong.

Heath honestly shared with me his story on when he woke up on the couch, face down, pants down. He told me that he struggled with alcoholism. “It was something everybody did…I would drink to numb myself.” (Heath A.; 2:45).

One of his big moments was a story he shared with me when he was on the plane a few years back. He was approached by this man who simply asked him: “What are you doing and where are you going?” (6:20) His follow-up question was: “Do you love it?” And at the time, this completely threw Heath off. He had never been asked that before. 

I enjoyed this anecdote because it brings us back down to earth to really evaluate (or re-evaluate) what we’re doing in our everyday lives, why we’re doing it, and if there are any necessary actions to take. Hint: there are probably at least two things in your life that need some uprooting, and we will tackle that in this episode. 

We need to remind ourselves to slow down. 

We have so many dreams, ambitions and goals, yet may feel overwhelmed with where even to begin. I really liked what Heath had to say about this: “Overwhelm and resistance come really heavily from too big of a vision— or not clear enough of a vision, and so un-chunking it is super helpful. But, to actually bring things to life, or to manifest things, it’s sort of a multi-part system.” (27:00).

Heath is such a magical human being and in these two quotes, they show the “old” Heath compared to the “new” (and improved) Heath: 

“What was really the catalyst for change was that I opened myself up to getting help. I was always scared, I didn’t think anyone else was battling something like that; I was embarrassed…”

Heath A.; 8:50

“As you progress, and you overcome these obstacles, you realize how important it is for us all to be inspiring and motivating and helping each other in any way that we can with unconditional love.”

Heath A.; 10:20

It’s remarkable! I share this because if he can do it, so can we. 

If you’re feeling stuck or even if you could use that extra oomf of encouragement today, this is the conversation for you. 

I wish Heath and I could’ve talked for an entire day! He is incredible and carries such wisdom. He helps us remember that we are not alone in this world and that we all have something to offer in this realm. 

So, let’s be doers and let’s get back to our magical little-kid-self, because he/she was pretty impressive and had a bright imagination of what was possible. Remember that our experiences can lead us to healing, which lead us to helping someone else. 

Heath’s Tips:

  • Write down all the things you DON’T want! —> “If you don’t know what you want, period, the very beginning is to write out all things that you do not want, and then you can write out all the things that are the opposite of that and you can pretty quickly figure out what you do want.” (Heath A.; 27:00).
  • Come up with 4-5 core values of what you want to be, what’s important to you? Who do you want around? 
  • Openness and Will are the two things you need to add into your affirmations~ (29:48).
  • Write an affirmation on a notecard each day, then on the back of it, write down two action items you’re going to take to reach that goal: 5 min in the  morning to write it down, 30 min in the day to do the action, then 5-10 min to reflect on it at night!

To LISTEN and see the show notes to this Wealthy Wellthy Podcast Episode — CLICK HERE!

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