
Coffee w/ Krisstina, Episode 5, May 2021

Here is this month’s edition of Coffee w/Krisstina. Grab your cup of Java and listen in to the comings and goings of all things Wealthy Wellthy.   

It’s my personal practice each month to

  1.  set my intentions for the new 30 days, and
  2.  reflect on the previous month to see how I did relative to my intentions going in

CwK is sharing my goals and reflections with you as we share this journey together. o, here you  go  — May’s Coffee w/Krisstina VLOG — co-hosted with Macy, my business partner (who happens to also be my lovely daughter). Put this video on 1.5x speed and come hang out with us. 

We cover: 

Memorable Happenings of May
The Cryptocrash — My thoughts & investment strategy 
LOTS of Podcasts — I share my faves
Earlybird Word of my first live Workshop of the year
New CURBS Class June 28th

My April AHA
From Ashes to Empire – The impossible is possible
Two dirty words: Black Mold!

My Favorite Read 
What do you desire…? 😉 

My Favorite Listen
My favorite comedian…last name rhymes with beers? 

My Latest Podcast Episode Releases 
How Much “Junk” Do You Value That Separates You from Your Big Ambitions?
The Power of FU Money w/Diania Merriam
DESIRE… A Word That Can Manifest Your World w/Christy Whitman

April’s Unchallenging Challenge 
Dare I say… PARTY!

Please enjoy Episode #5 of CWK Video Series 2021 


If nothing else, complete steps 1 & 2. 

STEP 1: Click here to start a conversation with me. If you’re curious why you would, scroll down on that page. I explain what you’ll get out of it. Then you can decide 🙂 

PS: If you’re interested in our next Sovereignty Academy CURBS™ Class, sign up for a call. We chat with every prospective student to make sure it’s a good match 🙂 

STEP 2: Get FREE access to 125 resources to start and optimize your business today!

STEP 3: If you’re in Austin, I mentioned my Double-Digit Returns Workshop on July 10th. I’m only selling 25 tickets and won’t be marketing it again to my list — only my network. If you want in, head here.

STEP 4: Check out and subscribe to the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast on Itunes

STEP 5: Follow me on Instagram @krisstinawise for weekly content, particularly my Friday IG Lives every Friday morning. 

STEP 6: Explore If you’re interested in learning more about our programs or anything we do here at SA just reach out. Our next class begins April 19, it’s almost full! 

Have an amazing last few days of May,

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