This should be your new favorite number…

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[First Name], Remember growing up how you had to have a “favorite” everything… Favorite color. Favorite Animal. Favorite Food. Favorite number… That one is my personal favorite… the favorite number. Having a favorite color makes sense. It’s pleasing to you visually and maybe makes you feel something when you see it. And having a favorite […]

How Millionaires become Millionaires 101:

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Have you ever wondered what you should invest in? You know, that magic investment that will make you wealthy? Out of all of the questions I get about money, this is what I hear most often: “Krisstina, what should I invest in?” And, those inquiring about enrolling in my Wise Money School ask: “does this […]

7 Money Questions that Will Change Your Life

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Do you remember January 30th, 2015? I don’t either — but my guess is it was a complainingly hot day in ATX (because the only season we seem to have is Summer). The birds were probably chirping. And, everyone was most certainly talking about their new year’s resolutions and best year ever business goals. Assuming […]

What do you really value? Wealth? Health? Neither?

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Two things are truth-tellers when it comes to determining what you value. In other words, they don’t lie, despite what you tell yourself (or others!). Where you spend your time Yep — you got it. Your calendar is a truth-teller.  : If you looked at your calendar over the last week (assuming every minute was […]

What wealthy people DON’T DO (& what they do)


I’ve been thinking a lot lately. We’ve been in heavy “strategy” mode over here at Wealthy Wellthy & Sovereignty Academy.  And we’ve been reorienting and clarifying our strategy centered around our “dream client” if you will.  I.e. Who wouldn’t just benefit from our program (I think literally everyone would) but whose life would truly transform? […]

Coffee w/ Krisstina, Episode 5, May 2021

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Here is this month’s edition of Coffee w/Krisstina. Grab your cup of Java and listen in to the comings and goings of all things Wealthy Wellthy.    It’s my personal practice each month to  set my intentions for the new 30 days, and  reflect on the previous month to see how I did relative to my […]

Money isn’t real (even during a crypto crash)

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I’m going to keep this short and sweet.  I wasn’t planning on addressing the recent cryptocrash but I’ve received so many messages about it that I thought I’d go ahead and share my perspective. Money isn’t real.  But it is.  Well, it is or isn’t it?   Yesterday, in my Sovereignty Academy business course, a student […]

May 2020 Versus May 2021

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Don’t underestimate what’s possible.   My daughter, Macy, asked me a question today. She inquired, “Mom, what’s inspired you lately?”  I reflected for a moment and recalled a conversation that I had with a coach of mine, Mark Grainger, over lunch a few days ago. Mark had asked me a similar question but more along […]

What do you like to talk about? I know what I do…

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I have a lot of conversations about money. Probably because it’s my favorite subject to talk about… why?  Because whether you like food, yoyos, health, skiing, traveling, coffee — there’s one thing all of these things have in common.  MONEY.  Money. Money. Money.  Whether you want more of anything above, better quality, or more time […]