I have a lot of conversations about money. Probably because it’s my favorite subject to talk about… why?
Because whether you like food, yoyos, health, skiing, traveling, coffee — there’s one thing all of these things have in common.
Money. Money. Money.
Whether you want more of anything above, better quality, or more time with it, money is the resource needed to enjoy those passions.
So, why do most of us evade the subject of money?
— We as a society don’t like to talk about it
— We’re sure as hell not taught anything about it
— It’s one of the leading causes of the ever-growing divorce rate
— Money causes chronic anxiety and stress in many
— and yet it’s the one thing most people sweep under the rug and pretend it will magically work itself out.
In the meantime the belief is … “the answer to all my money problems is to make more money ..”
Here’s the thing: Making more money won’t make you more wealthy. Period.
But, regardless of how much money you make, educating yourself on money can indeed make you rich.
- Money isn’t going anywhere (well, there is Bitcoin and that’s a conversation for another day).
- Money is simply a globally acknowledged currency that we exchange for value. We could’ve agreed on bread, wood, gold, hugs → but we didn’t. We agreed on paper, paper money.
- There is an infinite amount of it. Truly → the federal reserve printed over 3 trillion dollars in 2020 alone.
- It’s something that can be easily learned, managed, grown, leveraged, and used.
Let me share a little money wis(e)dom… the secret to wealth creation… I call intentional cash flow as in The Kashflow Method.
It goes a little something like this:

Want to know more?
I can teach you this entire method in 30 minutes — tailored to you. No matter YOUR current money situation.
In poker, all players are required to put in an Ante: a small bet all players are required to make before a hand is dealt.
This is just to play. No guarantees. No rewards yet. No returns unless you ante up.
30 minutes of your time <- Your Ante
What makes this different from a poker game?
Guarantee. Reward. Return.
If you don’t think the call is worth your time (on your standards) I will pay you your hourly rate for the time we spend together. Seem fair?