Hello March! … and this month’s issue of Coffee w/Krissstina.
As my method for manifesting my goals, at the beginning of each month, it’s my personal practice to:
- set my intentions for the new 30 days, and
- reflect on the previous month to see how I did relative to my intentions going in
CwK is my reflection out loud — where I share what I’ve been up to behind the scenes. So, here you go — my Coffee w/Krisstina VLOG — co-hosted with Macy, my business partner (who happens to also be my lovely daughter).
Although the intent is to keep these short and sweet, when Macy and I get together, well, we have a lot to say. I recommend you put this on 1.5 speed and join us over a cup of coffee. And, check out the links that have the information that we discuss in the video.
So, without further ado — Coffee w/Krisstina Video III
We cover:
My February AHA
I’ve moved 6 times in the past 12 months. A self-discovery about being a nomad…
My Favorite Read
We must have intentional attention. Or else our attention behaves and responds to our environment or our past patterns.
My Favorite Listen
My February binge-watch.
My Latest Podcast Episode Releases
1. A life worth living & 2. Do you have Home Equity you wish to use for investing?
January’s Unchallenging Challenge
Poppin’ pills
The big Happenings of February
Money! Money! Money! New CURBS™ Class // 3-Day Event with Jennifer Love // Finance Podcast Week

Click here to enjoy Episode #3 of CWK Video Series 2021
6 Things to do right now:
If nothing else, complete steps 1 & 2.
Step 1: Click here to start a conversation with me.
Step 2: Get FREE access to one of my handy resources of your choice!
Other Helpful Links:
- If you’re interested in Jennifer Love’s 3-Day Money Metamorphosis Event, head here.
- If you’re interested in Boris Peysakhov’s Campus Lab to our Campus Members on the topic of Cryptocurrency investing, here head.
- If you’re interested in resurfacing with Teal Thompson, head here.
- If you’re interested in Finance Podcast Week, head here and use the code WEALTHYWELLTHY for a free ticket. I only have 100 to give out so claim yours quick!
Step 3: Check out and subscribe to the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast on Itunes
Step 4: Head over to Clubhouse (an iPhone app) and follow me: @moneymaster [it is invite-only and ios only right now]
Step 5: Follow me on instagram @krisstinawise for weekly content, particularly my Friday IG Lives every Friday morning.
Step 6: Explore wisemoneymethod.com. If you’re interested in learning more about our programs or anything we do here at SA just reach out. Our next class begins March 1, it’s filling up fast!
Shoutouts to good friends and colleagues that I reference in the Vlog that make my life rich!
Dr. Kaylea Boutwell of Katalyst
Teal Thompson of The Avatar
Boris Peysakhov of The Alternative Strategy
Jennifer Love of Money Metamorphosis
Finance Podcast Week with PodBean
Mark Grainger of Big Impact
Merry March,