May 2020 Versus May 2021

Don’t underestimate what’s possible. My daughter, Macy, asked me a question today. She inquired, “Mom, what’s inspired you lately?” I reflected for a moment and recalled a conversation that I had with a coach of mine, Mark Grainger, over lunch a few days ago. Mark had asked me a similar question but more along […]
What do you like to talk about? I know what I do…

I have a lot of conversations about money. Probably because it’s my favorite subject to talk about… why? Because whether you like food, yoyos, health, skiing, traveling, coffee — there’s one thing all of these things have in common. MONEY. Money. Money. Money. Whether you want more of anything above, better quality, or more time […]
I know why most people have a problem with money

A lack of money is never the problem. It feels like the obvious problem. But not having enough money is the symptom of the problem. The problem is what’s underneath. Your Money Psychology (feelings about money). Your Money Philosophy (beliefs about money). Your Money Knowledge (understanding its laws). And, your Money Actions (habits and practices). […]
What separates the 1% from the 99%

Let’s get real. I’m going to ask you a series of questions: Are you wealthy? (to answer this question requires you know what you consider wealthy.) If you answered NO, let me ask you this: If you thought and acted like a wealthy person, do you think you could become wealthy? […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina, Episode 3, March 2021

Hello March! … and this month’s issue of Coffee w/Krissstina. As my method for manifesting my goals, at the beginning of each month, it’s my personal practice to: set my intentions for the new 30 days, and reflect on the previous month to see how I did relative to my intentions going in CwK is […]
When it doesn’t make sense to make $1,000,000

Did you read the subject line? If not.. It reads “When it doesn’t make sense to make $1,000,000. WHAT!?! When could making a million dollars EVER be a bad thing? Do you know what I hear so often in the coaching, marketing, sales (you name it) service business industry? “I want to be a 7-figure […]
“If I can’t go all in, then, I’ll do nothing at all.”

I often find myself thinking, “If I can’t go all in, then, I’ll do nothing at all.” Do you ever think, “Well, I can’t do that so I guess I’ll just do nothing at all”? Here’s a glimpse inside of my head sometimes: Thought: I don’t have time to get an hour workout in Action: I […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina: Episode 2, February 2021

Wow, I can’t believe we are already in February! Being the first week of the Month means it’s reflection time. My personal practice is to look back on the previous 30 days and see how I did relative to my intentions going in. And, I share my experience with you as a way to stay […]
I Thought $1,000,000 Would Make Me Happy

Millionaires think and act differently from those who are financially strapped. They possess distinct mindsets that guide their choices. And in turn, these mindsets produce income and net worth far above the average. But even if you know how to make (and keep) millions, it doesn’t mean that you know how to be happy. Believe […]
Coffee with Krisstina: Episode 1, January 2021

We made it! 2020 is officially behind us. Somehow, we all survived and here we sit. Many of us have the question, “what’s next?” As I shared in my last BLOG, I believe it’s important to reflect on the past. Release and let go of what no longer will serve us moving forward. Capture the […]